Sous vide curry chicken breast with pumpkin

For 4 servings:
Chicken breast (sous vide):
4 chicken breasts or breasts of corn-fed poulard without skin
20 g mild curry powder
1 can of coconut milk
20 g butter
1 apple
1 small onion
1 tbs soy sauce
Pumpkin (sous vide):
1 small Hokkaido pumpkin
1 medium sized piece of ginger
1 small chili pepper
Salt and brown sugar
70 ml water
Chicken breast (sous vide):
Blend the curry powder with 2 tbs. water and 2 tbs. coconut milk. Brush it generously on the chicken breasts on all sides. Vacuum and cook the chicken breasts for 60 min. at 56 °C in the fusionchef sous vide water bath. In the meantime melt the butter in a casserole and sweat the onions in the butter. Add the peeled and finely diced apple and continue to sweat. Deglaze with soy sauce and add coconut milk. Boil up and blend finely. Keep warm. When the chicken breasts are done, add them with the juice to the sauce and turn a few times. Add a bit of salt.
Pumpkin (sous vide):
Cut the pumpkin into 2 cm wide slices. Cut the ginger in thin slices and remove the seeds from the chili pepper. Place the pumpkin, ginger and chili in a vacuum bag. Add salt, sugar and water and vacuum. Cook at 85 °C for 45 minutes in the fusionchef sous vide water bath. Remove from the bag and glaze in a pan. Remove the spices and season to taste.
We recommend serving this dish with boiled rice.