Sous vide goulash with lemon potatoes

Goulas sous vide with lemon potatoesGulasch Zitronenkartoffeln Heikoantoniewicz
Heiko Antoniewicz
Cooking time:
28 horas
Preparation time:
40 minutos

For 4 servings

Goulash (sous vide):
600 g meat for goulash, best from the cattle leg (Cut:3cm x3cm)
100 g red peppers
100 g onions
3 cloves of garlic, grated finely with salt
1 tbs ground caraway
Peel of 2 lemons
5 g smoked paprika
300 ml veal jus
20 ml balsamic vinegar

Lemon potatoes (sous vide):
300 g small potatoes
2 lemons
15 g sugar
40 ml water


Goulash (sous vide):
Gently roast the meat and sprinkle it with smoked paprika. Cut the onions into strips, add them to the meat, and fry them briefly. Deglaze them with the vinegar. Pour in the veal jus. Thicken the liquid with a bit of corn starch. Season it to taste. Let it cool. Cut the red peppers into fine strips and gently roast them. Let them cool and then add them to the meat. Vacuum everything and cook it in your fusionchef sous vide water bath at 65 °C for 28 hours.

Lemon potatoes (sous vide):
Quarter the potatoes and put them into a bag. Grate the peel off a lemon and set it aside. Fillet the lemons and collect the juice. Add the lemon juice and the water into the bag and vacuum it. Cook them in your fusionchef sous vide water bath at 85 ° C for 60 minutes. Remove the potatoes from the bag and fry them in a pan until light brown. Add the lemon fillets. Sprinkle the sugar over the potatoes and toss them. Fold in the lemon peel shortly before serving.

This dish is paired nicely with lettuce in cream sauce.