Veal Shank with Red Wine an smashed Potatoes sous vide

Ingredients for 4 guests:
Veal shank (sous vide):
4x (aprox 400gr each) Veal Shank, in 3cm width rounds
200 g Carrots, 2cm cubes
150 g Celery, 2cm cubes
200 g Onion, 2cm cubes
150 g Leeks, 2cm width rounds
4 Garlic cloves
2 cups Red wine
2 Tbsp.Tomato extract
Smashed potatoes (sous vide):
1 kg Potatoes, peeled and cuted in 3cm cubes
250 ml Cream
200 g Butter
1 Tbsp.Salt
Crispy Bacon
Veal shank (sous vide):
Evaporate Wine Alcohol in a small saucepan over low heat. We previously evaporated the alcohol since, in the absence of oxygen and inside the vacuum bag it does not evaporate and would bring unpleasant flavors to the preparations. Season the Veal Shank with Salt and pepper and place in a bag with the rest of the ingredients and Vacuum Pack. Cook sous vide in the fusionchef water bath at 85 °C for 8 hours. Remove from the bag and separate The Veal Shank, The Cooking Juice and The Vegetables. Reserve the Veal Shank in a warm Place for 5 min. Strain the sauce and reduce Colar la salsa y reduce up to 1/3 of the initial volume, to achieve a rich and unctuous texture. Sauté the vegetables in a hot pan with a tablespoon of butter and chopped fresh rosemary
Smashed potatoes (sous vide):
Vaccum pack all the ingredientes in a bag. Cook sous vide in the fusionchef water bath at 95 °C for 1,5 hours. Smash well while still in the bag. Remove from the bag and emusify with a whisk, by hand.
This recipe was kindly provided by Ricardo Maffeo.