Sous Vide expert knowledge

Vacuum packing - but the right way.
Here we will now look at how to choose the right vacuum sealer, its advantages and disadvantages and what you need to bear in mind when vacuuming.

Dos and don'ts when it comes to sous vide
Working with sous vide is anything but complicated. But of course, there are one or two pitfalls that you can unintentionally put your foot in.

Tips for preparation
Of course, there are also some "subtleties" in the sous vide range, the application of which offers further potential for optimization.

Preserving, storing and regenerating ready meals
A big advantage of the sous vide procedure is that you can store fully cooked food relatively easily until it is used for the next time.

The physics of sous vide cooking
The word sous vide ("under vacuum"), which has now become commonplace, is actually only half the explanation for the cooking process.

Which sous vide cooking appliance is the right choice?
Fusionchef offers seven different models in both the Pearl and Diamond appliance series to ideally suit every application.

Why fusionchef?
Sous vide cooking appliances are now available on the market in many different designs / specifications. This doesn't make it any simpler to keep an overview and find the most suitable Unit to suit your requirements.