Sous vide veal shank with potatoes

Sous Vide Kalbshaxe
Danilo Ange
Cooking time:
20 hours 30 minutes

For 6 people

Veal Shank (sous vide):
1 veal shank
400 g celery, carrots and onions
400 ml double malt beer
1 small bunch rosemary and sage
Potatoes (sous vide):

400 g potatoes
2 laurel leaves
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper


Veal Shank (sous vide):
Season the veal shank with salt and pepper, brown it in a frying pan, add the diced vegetables, deglaze with the beer, leave to evaporate a little and then cool.

Place the shank with the vegetables and the beer reduction in a vacuum bag with the herbs. Seal and submerge the pouch completely into the fusionchef sous vide water bath and cook at 66 °C for 20 hours. Remove the meat from the vacuum bag and blend the sauce.

Potatoes (sous vide):
Fill and preheat your fusionchef sous vide water bath to 70 °C.
Peel the potatoes, dice, season with salt and pepper, seal with the laurel and a little oil and cook at 70°C for 30 minutes.

Brown the meat in a frying pan with the oil, cut into slices, arrange it on the serving dishes and finish with the vegetable sauce and laurel potatoes.