Sous vide veal kidney with chips from Jerusalem artichoke

Sous Vide Kalbsnieren mit Topinamburchips
Andreas Tuffentsammer
Cooking time:
Preparation time:
1 hour

For 4 people

Quince juice:
1 kg quince
1 tbsp quince vinegar
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tbsp sugar

Puree of Jerusalem artichoke (sous vide):
500 g Jerusalem artichoke
50 g butter
50 g cream
Salt, pepper, nutmeg
5ml lemon juice

Veal kidney (sous vide):
1 kidney from suckling calve
50ml beurre noisette
Sea salt, pepper

Chips from Jerusalem artichoke:
3 large bulbs of Jerusalem artichoke
500ml oil
Finely ground sea salt

Quince salad:
50 g Quince peel from fresh quince


Quince juice:
Extract the quince juice using a steam juicer and bring to it to a boil and let it reduce to 200 ml. Season to taste with the remaining ingredients.

Puree of Jerusalem artichoke (sous vide):
Vacuum the bulbs together with the butter and a bit of lemon juice. Cook sous vide in the fusionchef sous vide water bath at 85 °C for 45 minutes. Place in a Thermomixer, add the cream and prepare a fine puree. Season to taste.

Veal kidney (sous vide):
Clean the veal of fat and tendons and vacuum with a bit of beurre noisette. Cook sous vide in the fusionchef sous vide water bath at 65 °C for 40 minutes. Pat dry and brown in beurre noisette. Cut into slices.

Chips of Jerusalem artichoke:
Cut the bulb into thin slices using a slicing machine. Blanche briefly in boiling water. Pad dry and fry in oil at 130 °C until crisp. Season with a bit of sea salt.

Quince salad:
Cut the quince peel into fine julienne and marinade with a bit of reduced quince juice.

This recipe was generously provided by Andreas Tuffentsammer.