Sous vide sirloin with heirloom roots and champignon

Sous Vide Rinderrücken mit Urrübchen und ChampignonsRinderruecken Timschlatter
Marius Tim Schlatter

For 4 persons

Sirloin (sous vide):
approx. 1 kg beef sirloin
Sea salt and pepper
30 ml clarified butter or oil for searing

Heirloom roots (sous vide):
300 g mixed turnips, i.e., little yellow, green and red turnips, navot turnips,
purple colored or yellow carrots
1 tablespoon butter
100 ml chicken stock

Champignon chips:
150 g champignon mushrooms

Champignon gel (sous vide):
300 g champignon mushrooms
1 onion
80 ml cream
30 g butter for the sauté



Sirloin (sous vide):
Sear the meat in a very hot pan on all sides and then immediately shock-chill it. Vacuum the meat with rosemary, thyme, salt and pepper
and cook for 17 minutes at 56 °C in the fusionchef sous vide water bath. Remove the meat from the bag right before serving and sear it again in a hot pan with clarified butter/oil on all sides and then pepper it well.

Heirloom roots (sous vide):
Wash the roots and cut into 3 mm thick slices. Mix them with salt and browned butter and vacuum. Cook for 8 minutes at 85 °C in the fusionchef sous vide water bath. Drain them and glaze them in a pan with butter and chicken stock.

Champignon chips:
Slice mushrooms very thinly, salt them and allow them to dehydrate in the oven at 55 °C for 24 hours.

Champignon gel (sous vide):
Wash mushrooms and coarsely chop. Peel onion and dice. Sauté mushrooms with the onion in butter and douse with cream. Vacuum the mixture and then soak for 20 minutes at 85 °C in the fusionchef sous vide water bath. Remove, purée, press through a fine sieve and season with salt to taste.

Arrange the warm champignon gel with a pastry bag evenly in the middle of the plate like a ‘pedestal’ and smooth. Slice the cooked tenderloin thinly, sprinkle with coarse sea salt and fan out over the purée. Drape the glazed roots colorfully on the plate and put the champignon chips between them. Decorate with chickweed as desired.

This recipe was kindly provided by Marius Tim Schlatter.