Sous vide saddle of lamb with ratatouille

Sous Vide Lammrücken mit Ratatouille
Heiko Antoniewicz
Cooking time:
1 hour 5 minutes
Preparation time:
40 minutes

For 4 servings:

Saddle of lamb (sous vide):
4 pcs of saddle of lamb 150 g each, ready for cooking
4 twigs of rosemary
40 ml olive oil

Ratatouille (sous vide):
1 medium sized zucchini
1 egg plant
2 red peppers
3 beefsteak tomatoes
1 tsp tomato paste
1 small onion
1 twig of thyme
1 small clove of garlic
30 ml olive oil


Saddle of Lamb (sous vide):
Vacuum the saddle of lamb with the other ingredients and cook at 56 °C for 30 minutes in the fusionchef sous vide water bath. Remove from the bag and sear in a pan. Salt and slice.

Ratatouille (sous vide):
Finely dice the onions and sauté in olive oil together with the garlic. Add tomato paste and sweat. Add salt and let it cool. Cut the other vegetables into cubes of 1 cm. Vacuum together with the sautéed vegetables and cook in a fusionchef sous vide water bath at 85 °C for 35 minutes. Remove from the bag and deglaze.