Sous vide Pork Knuckle with Coleslaw

Sous vide Pork Knuckle with ColeslawSchweinshaxe Diegodato
Diego Dato

Pork knuckle (sous vide):
4 pork knuckles

Coleslaw (sous vide):
200 g white cabbage
2 g grated orange peel
2 g grated lemon peel
1 g grated ginger
25 g lard
Salt, pepper

Apricot puree:
60 dried apricots
1 vanilla bean
1 l water
100 g sugar
1 tbsp. brown rum

Side dish:
Serve pork knuckle with sautéed and caramelized mini corncobs and salsify.


Pork knuckle (sous vide):
Marinate the pork knuckles for 3 hours, clean thoroughly and briefly sear on all sides in a pan. Allow to cool and then vacuum with 20 ml of pork broth and a nut-sized piece of butter. Cook for 24 hours at 64 °C in the water bath of the fusionchef sous vide cooker. Cool down in ice water and set aside.
Heat for 10 minutes at 180 °C in the oven while basting with broth repeatedly.

Coleslaw (sous vide):
Cut the white cabbage into a fine julienne strips and place in a bowl. Add orange peel, lemon peel, ginger and lard, mix thoroughly and then vacuum.
Cook for 20 minutes at 90 °C in the water bath of the fusionchef sous vide cooker. Cool down in ice water and set aside.
Apricot puree with vanilla:
Cook all ingredients over low heat for 30 minutes. Remove from heat and remove the vanilla bean. Stir in the rum. Mix in the Thermomix and strain through a fine sieve.

This recipe was kindly provided by Diego Dato.