Sous Vide Lamb with Hay Potatoes

Lamm Sous VideLamm Sous Vide 0
Benedikt Faust

Lamb Fillet (Sous Vide):
600 g lamb fillet

Navette Stock (Sous Vide):
100 g navettes
150 g entrecote trimmings
1 g smoke powder
5 g smoke oil
2 g salt
2 g paprika powder
0.3 g marjoram
200 g water
20 g veal stock
25 g herb butter

Hay Potatoes (Sous Vide):
300 g potatoes
10 g hay
5 g wood chippings
70 g vegetable stock
20 g smoke oil
20 g sunflower oil
3 g salt


Lamb Fillet (Sous Vide):
Trim lamb fillet as necessary and vacuum individually. Cook for 35 minutes at 58 °C in the fusionchef sous vide water bath.

Pull through a pan with hot butter next.


Navette Stock (Sous Vide):
Sear trimmings in a pot and douse with the remaining ingredients.

Reduce stock to half and strain. Wash navettes, remove stem and vacuum with the stock. Cook for 30 minutes at 80 °C in the fusionchef sous vide water bath.


Hay Potatoes (Sous Vide):
Wash and quarter the potatoes. Do not peel them!

Brown hay with the wood chippings in a pod and douse with vegetable stock. Bring to the boil once and strain. Add the remaining ingredients to the stock and mix. Vacuum the potatoes with the stock and cook for 75 minutes at 80 °C in the fusionchef sous vide water bath.

This recipe was kindly provided by Benedikt Faust.