Iberico Pork Pluma sous vide

Iberico Pluma Sous VideIberico Pluma Christinasteindl
Christina Steindl

Iberico pork pluma (sous vide):
80 g Iberico pork pluma
20 g olive oil

Cooked red beet:
10 g red beet

Red beet glazing:
100 g red beet juice

Acorn nut cream:
100 g acorn nuts
10 g whipping cream
10 g butter

Mango  - Sechuan button couscous:
30 g couscous
100 g mango juice
2 Sechuan buttons

Port wine juice:
30 g port
60 g root vegetables
5 g tomato paste
Trim the pluma


Iberico Pluma (sous vide):
Clean the Iberico pork pluma and vacuum with the oil and spices. Cook for 3 hours at 60 °C in the fusionchef sous vide water bath. Remove from the vacuum bag and sear on all sides before slicing.

Cooked red beet:
Season red beet with salt and cumin, cook until soft, then peel. Make paper-thin slices using a slicer. Roll up or turn out.

Red beet glazing:
Reduce red beet juice to a thick consistency.

Acorn nut cream:
Cook the acorns until soft. Add them with the cream, butter and salt into a Thermomix and mix until consistency is creamy.

Mango  - Sechuan button couscous:
Bring the mango juice and Sechuan buttons to a boil and season. Then pour the broth over the couscous and allow it to soak.

Port wine juice:
Roast the trimmings from the meat and the vegetables, and then add the tomato paste and continue roasting. Douse with the port and allow to simmer slowly. Strain it and then reduce it.

This recipe from the preliminaries of the “JUNGE WILDE 2016” was kindly made available to us by Christina Steindl.