Sous Vide paccheri with clams

For 6 people
480 g paccheri
1.5 kg clams
1 hot chilli pepper
1 garlic clove
500 g asparagus
1 small bunch of parsley, basil and marjoram
extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper
Fill and preheat the fusionchef sous vide water bath to 70 °C. Wash and purge the clams, place them in a vacuum sealed cooking bag with a little oil, the chilli pepper and the garlic clove; immerse in the fusionchef sous vide water bath for 5 minutes.
Remove the sous vide bag and change the set temperature to 65 °C. Shell the clams, filter the clam water and pour it into a cooking bag, add the paccheri and vacuum seal. Allow to rehydrate for approximately 40 minutes and cook sous vide in the fusionchef sous vide water bath for 20 minutes at 65°C.
Remove the sous vide bag with the paccheri and change the set temperature to 85 °C. Clean the asparagus, place it in a vacuum sealed cooking bag with salt, pepper and a little oil and cook sous vide for 20 minutes at 85°C.
Blend the herbs with the salt, pepper and oil.
Place the contents of the bag with the paccheri in a frying pan, allow the liquid to reduce over a moderate heat for 3 minutes, then add the clams and asparagus.
Arrange the paccheri on the serving dishes and finish with the herb sauce.