Sous vide filet of salmon with Pepquinos

Sous Vide Lachsfilet Pepquino
Heiko Antoniewicz

Filet and Back of Salmon (sous vide):
4 salmon filets 30 g each and back of salmon with meat on the bones
40 ml rape seed oil
6 % salt brine
1 egg white
70 g Panko-flour (Japanese breading)
Peanut oil for frying

Cucumber 1:
4 strips of cucumber cut lengthwise
Grated peel of 1⁄8 lime
Salt and sugar

Cucumber 2:
16 Cucumber cubes of 1 x 1 cm, without peel and seeds
Grated peel of 1⁄8 lime
Salt and sugar

Light-colored Vinaigrette:
30 ml Forum chardonnay vinegar
20 ml olive oil
40 ml rape seed oil
30 ml chicken stock
Fleur de Sel

Light-colored Fish Sauce with Noilly Prat:
1 diced shallot
10 ml olive oil
50 ml white wine
200 ml fish stock
100 ml cream
40 ml Noilly Prat

8 Pepquinos (type of mini melons)
Cherry tomatoes
Atsina Cress (North American cress with sweet anise taste)


Filet and Back of Salmon (sous vide):
Vacuum the filet with oil and cook sous vide at 42 °C in a fusionchef sous vide water bath for 16 minutes.
Put the back into the salt bring for 12 minutes, remove and pat dry well. Coat lightly with the slightly beaten egg white and bread with Panko flour.  
Shortly before serving fry until crispy in peanut oil and place on paper towel.

Cucumber 1:
Vacuum all ingredients together and refrigerate for 2 hours. Unroll when required.

Cucumber 2:
Vacuum all ingredients together and refrigerate for 4 hours.

Light-colored Vinaigrette:
Stir the ingredients together and season to taste.

Light-colored Fish Sauce with Noilly Prat:
Sauté the shallot cubes in a bit of olive oil and deglaze with white wine. Add the fish stock, reduce to a minimum then add the cream. Allow to boil once. Strain and season to taste with Noilly Prat.

Serving and Garnish:
Arrange the back and the filet on the plate. Arrange the cucumber, halved Pepquinos, tomato slices and cress. Sprinkle with vinaigrette and serve with the frothed sauce.

This recipe was kindly supplied by the Matthaes publishing house from the book “Heiko Antoniewicz, Sous Vide”.