Dover Sole with Beetroots and Hollandaise sous vide

Juan Freire

Ingredients for 4 guests:

Dover Sole (sous vide):
4 pieces (150 g each) Dover Sole Filets, without skin or bones        
4 slices (20 g each) Prosciutto di Parma                
100 g  Red pepper, juliened (5 cm long sticks)    
100 g Yellowpepper, juliened            
100 g Carrots, juliened    
100 g Zuchini, Juliened                
8 tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil                    
Salt and Black pepper            

Beetroots (sous vide):
600 g Beetroot, peeled, 2cms cubes        
4 tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil                    
4 tbsp. Freshdill    
Salt and Black pepper

Hollandaise Foam (sous vide):
6 Egg Yolks
8 tbsp. White winevinegar
2 tbsp. Fresh Tarragon                
1 tbsp. Freshdill    
1 tsp. Coriander sedes
100 g Clarifiedbutter


Dover Sole (sous vide):
Place the prosciutto Slieces on a Cutting Board and put the Fish filets on Top. Season them with salt and Pepper and place the juliened vegetables in the middle of each filet. Roll them keeping the vegetables inside and as much compressed as posible. Roll them again with the Prosciutto. Place them in a Vacum bag with the Olive oil and vacumseal it. Vacum Pack the Rolls in separate bags with 2 tablespoons olive oil each. Cook sous vide in fusionchef water bath at 60 °C for 15 minutes. Remove delicately from the bag and brown in hot Teflon pan on all sides. Serve inmediately

Beetroots (sous vide):
Vacum Pack the peeled Beets, already cut with olive oil, salt, pepper and fresh dill. Cook sous vide in fusionchef water bath at 95 °C for 1 hour. Cool quickly in ice water and store in a refrigerator at 4 °C for up to 1 month after processing. The product is Pasteurized due to the cooking time and temperature.

Hollandaise Foam (sous vide):
Reduce the white wine vinegar with the herbs until you reach 2 tablespoons of total volume. Mix the yolks, the clarified butter and the reduced vinegar with a pinch of salt, and Vacum Pack in a bag. Cook sous vide in fusionchef water bath at 65 °C for 1 hour, shaking the contents of the bag every 10 minutes. After cooking, mix well with a hand blender. At this point and with this method it is already a perfect Hollandaise Sauce. Fill with this mixture the Siphon ISI, close and charge with gas according to the indications of each Siphon. Maintain the Siphon in fusionchef water bath at 65 °C for the time of plating.

This recipe was kindly provided by Ricardo Maffeo.