Notorious I.C.T. Sous Vide

Notorious I.C.T. Sous VideNotorious I C T  Boris Groener
Boris Gröner

Hot & cold brew coffee:
35 g coarsely ground coffee
500 g boiled water
35 g finely ground coffee
500 g cold water

Fried onion syrup (Sous Vide):
315 g red onion
315 g refined sugar
315 g Demerara sugar
630 g water
5 g sea salt

50 ml hot & cold brew coffee
20 ml fried onion syrup
50 ml Irish whiskey
7.5 ml Strega
7.5 ml Galliano vanilla
30 ml rice drink float


Hot & cold brew coffee:
Brew coarsely ground coffee with boiled water and strain. Leave finely ground coffee to steep in cold water for 2 hours then strain. Mix both coffee blends together.

Fried onion syrup (Sous Vide):
Halve the onions and fry in a pan for 5 minutes. Vacuum all the ingredients together and cook for approx. 120 minutes at 80°C in the fusionchef Sous Vide water bath. Cool in ice bath and strain.

Mix hot & cold brew coffee, fried onion syrup, Irish whiskey, Strega, Galliano vanilla and rice drink.

This recipe was kindly provided by Boris Gröner.