Rich Rosendale

  • Sous vide chef Rich RosendaleRich Rosendale

“My fusionchef circulators have paid for themselves over and over again through effecting labor cost, product consistency & shrinkage, and not to mention the huge return on investment through guest satisfaction in the product it produces; these are remarkable machines and indispensable in the modern kitchen.

I am not only amazed with the precision in fusionchef temperature control, but the long periods of time in which it can maintain those exact temperatures. They are as close to perfection as you can get in the kitchen.

You rarely come across a single piece of equipment that can have such a positive effect on your entire kitchen and everything in it, and have such a dramatic impact on the operation itself.  That’s why I prefer the quality of fusionchef by Julabo brand products in my kitchen.”

Rich Rosendale
Certified Master Chef